The Pentecost 2020 edition of the Anglican Parish of Glenelg newsletter has some exciting news for our community as COVID-19 restrictions are eased.

A summary of the dates to which our church services will resume –

  • Sunday morning 7.45am service at St Peter’s, and 8.45am service at St Martin’s recommence on Sunday 21st June 2020.
  • Thursday 10am service at St Peter’s recommences Thursday 25th June 2020.
  • Sunday morning 10am service at St Peter’s will NOT recommence until the government imposed cap on numbers is lifted.

The newsletter also includes highlights such as Michele’s Trinity Sunday explanation of the Trinity using a Mars bar, a prayer for world refugee week and news from ABM. There’s also a parish finance update on the heritage conservation fund, and the planned giving program too.

Download a copy of the latest Pentecost edition of the Parish Newsletter

Pentecost Newsletter 2020