Its been over 6 weeks since the Adelaide Anglican Diocese banned congregational singing in church. Many people have been unhappy, some have even stayed away. Small groups of singers were permitted, if they were appropriately distanced according to SA Health’s recommendations. Our church still had sung music, and the congregation could only join in by humming. Yes, its been difficult.

In this week’s email to the parish which included the pewsheet, Reverend Andrew shared “The latest advice from the Diocese in consultation with SA Health is that we can resume congregational singing again! With the proviso that social distancing should be at least 1.5 metres and ideally greater than 2metres if singing is involved. This is subject to change if there is any be community transmission Sing in church with us Sunday at our 8:45am, 10am and ukulele church services. ”
Some of the responses the parish has received already is



Its the best new I have had in a long time!

Singing in church is back