We need your help
A number of Parishioners have asked HOW they can continue giving. Thank you for remembering!
With the removal of the open plate, baptism and wedding donations and fundraising income, it will be a very tough financial year. We assume some austerity measures will be needed throughout the year, but we can get there.
Our shared planned giving will help us survive. We are aware some have experienced job loss and the loss or reduction of income. We can only do what we are able to and pray that it will be enough.
Envelope users, please continue to put them aside every week as you can. These can be collected occasionally if needed (please ring the office). For those who can do online banking this may be the time to swap to direct debit. Regular planned giving can be directed to Parish of Glenelg (AFSA) BSB 705 077 Account Number 00041211 (please use your surname and initial SMITHJ PGP). One off/occasional donations that are not part of regular PGP can be made to Anglican Parish of Glenelg BSB 705 077 Account No.00000033.
Other ways to help us out
There are other ways you can continue help your church. Buy items for the Food Assistance cupboard with your regular shopping. As more people lose their jobs more people will come looking for food assistance. Check our list at http://www.glenelganglican.org.au/?page_id=521 for ideas.
Many people are in isolation, perhaps your willing to ring people and check how they’re going. We are social people and we need contact with people. When people we know contact us, its reassuring to know that we’re remembered, and we all have something to share. That’s why we go to church, how long we’ve been going to church, then the conversation flows, and time goes by.
Can you help deliver our monthly newsletter to people in your area? To help us to be financially responsible and help us reduce our postage costs. We need people who are willing to come into the parish office, take a stack of envelopes and deliver to the addresses. We’ll make sure the stack of envelopes are in an area close to your home too. Please contact the Parish office if you are able to assist.