COVID management plans are no longer required for churches as mandated by the South Australian Government. Parishioners and visitors are asked to use hand sanitiser when they come forward for Communion. Communion is traditionally where people receive a peoples wafer
COVID Safe Plans 9th September 2021
The easing of restrictions as of 9th September August has given us some more freedoms to worship together. Please continue to wear face masks while in church, and when singing. Hand sanitiser is available through out the church, chapel and
Re-opening 25 November 2020
Dear Friends, I write again to confirm we will not be holding Sunday morning worship this Sunday 22nd November. The news of the lockdown restrictions being lifted early is very welcome, but as I hope you can appreciate it has
We’re closed until Wednesday 25th November 2020
As of 12.01am 18th November the church and parish office will be closed and unattended until at least Wednesday 25th November 2020. As ordered by the Government of South Australia. Many upcoming events including services held Sunday 22nd November have
Updated COVID Safe Plan issued on 17 November 2020
Here is the latest COVID SAFE plans as at 17 November 2020 for the St Peter’s Glenelg and St Martin’s Glenelg South.
Singing in church is back
Its been over 6 weeks since the Adelaide Anglican Diocese banned congregational singing in church. Many people have been unhappy, some have even stayed away. Small groups of singers were permitted, if they were appropriately distanced according to SA Health’s
Updated COVID Safe Plan issued on 5/09/2020
Here is the latest COVID SAFE plans as at 5 September 2020 for the St Peter’s Glenelg and St Martin’s Glenelg South.
Find out how we’re being a COVID SAFE church
The world of COVID restrictions seem to change every week! However, we want to stay connected and physically together in a COVID SAFE manner as a church community, and worshipping in our wonderful church buildings too. We’re doing this by
COVID Safe Plan as at 28 August 2020
It always seems to be on a Friday afternoon when SA Health has another round of changes to the COVID restrictions. Here are the COVID SAFE plans as at 28 August 2020 for the St Peter’s Glenelg and St Martin’s
How we’re being a COVID SAFE Church
If you come to any of our services at St Peter’s or St Martin’s here’s a list of the measures in place so we can continue our public worship services. Ensure your details are recorded on the COVID attendance register.