Sunday 25th August – Sunday 1st September 2019
Two years ago we held a Parish Vision Week, as part of formulating our parish vision for the coming five years. These events were really well attended by over a hundred people and led to us adopt our current vision at the start of the 2018. We promised then that we would review our progress after two years in line with our biennial review of our planned giving program.
Parish Vision Week is a great opportunity to come together for a range of community activities and share informally about our parish life together. There is much we have achieved and are doing together and there are many creative ways we still hope to serve God in this community.
SUNDAY 25TH AUGUST Brief after church meetings at all services (7:45am, 8:45am, 10:00am & 5:00pm) to share vision news together.
TUESDAY 27TH AUGUST 7:30pm Men’s ten-pin Bowling Night
THURSDAY 29TH AUGUST 10am After service vision sharing
6:30pm Vision Dinner at Glenelg Golf Club – Please RSVP to Parish office, payment required for cost of the meal
FRIDAY 30TH AUGUST 10am Rectory Morning tea – limited places please RSVP to Parish office
SATURDAY 31st AUGUST 2pm Families event with Magician Steve Presto at the Church Community Centre. Please RSVP to Parish office.
SUNDAY 1ST SEPTEMBER Conclusion of Vision week at all services 7:45am, 8:45am & 10am JAM service will include chocolates for all the dads on Father’s Day.
Your involvements builds a vibrant, welcoming and inclusive community growing in faith and love.
What’s next after deciding which Parish vision event to join?
- Review Areas of ministry we’ve been focusing upon we’ll look at this during the Parish vision events
- Think and pray about What should we do next in 2020? then contact the parish office with your ideas
- Live, enjoy, laugh and love being God’s people and His work