So let’s keep talking about our vision…
There is plenty still to do in our vision.
We thought this would take five years and we have already achieved a lot. Some things will be ongoing but there is room to commence new things in the coming year. From our existing vision we want to develop more facilities and areas for children and youth; we want to provide more faith resources online and at our churches; to explore more ways to the support the spiritual lives of those who come to church; and for good stewardship we need to find alternate sources of income to support parish ministry.
Let’s think about this together.
What ideas do you have?
Please email the parish office with your ideas
Let’s Keep Praying
Eternal God, Our God,
God of our forebears and of all future generations,
You call us to faithfully follow Christ, Loving you and our neighbour as ourselves.
Inspire us to dream dreams and see visions, and guide us by the leading of your Holy Spirit.
We pray in the name of Jesus, our savior, Lord and friend. Amen.