Due to the Coronavirus, we are no longer able to meet as a group to worship in our church building

Lent is the season where we prepare ourselves for Holy Week and Easter. Join us for a series of events which are foundation to our faith and faith journey.

Join us on Tuesday 25th February at 5.30pm for a pancake dinner in the St Peter’s Community Centre.

Shrove Tuesday, Madi Gras (meaning fat Tuesday) is traditionally when Christians eat up the sugar, butter and flour used up before the start of Lent, where we refrain from eating, or fasting from certain foods.

ASH Wednesday is the day after Shrove Tuesday. Its also known as the Day of Ashes, is thought to have first been observed during the papacy of Gregory the Great, who was Pope from 590-604. The placement of an Ash Cross started in the 10th Century in the Anglo-saxon church. The ashes were originally a sign of penance but now the rite is used to mark the start of Lent. Experience being marked with an ash cross at our two services on the day.

This Lent our Lenten Bible Study will be held over 6 weeks, where we’ll use ABM’s “Where do we go from Here?” written by Adelaideans Steve Daughtry, ABM Missioner and Parish Priest, and Matthew Anstey, Hebrew Scholar and emerging Public Theologian, these studies will cajole, challenge and encourage you to think deeply about mission in the here and now.

If you’d like to participate in the Lenten Bible Study Group, please register your interest on a sign up sheet at the back of the Church, or contact the Parish Office. Books are $5, paid at the start of the first session.

Holy Week and Easter 2020