As of 12.01am 18th November the church and parish office will be closed and unattended until at least Wednesday 25th November 2020. As ordered by the Government of South Australia.
Many upcoming events including services held Sunday 22nd November have been cancelled. We are under the obligations of the six day lockdown being experienced by our State. We applaud the measures taken by the Government, Police and SA Health in ensuring the safety and protection of our community. Whilst we cannot gather for church or a number of the events we had planned for coming days, we can still pray and indeed we must. More than ever it is the vocation of Christians to be people of prayer at this time.
Sunday 22nd November we celebrate the feast of Christ the King. For Christ our saviour is the one whose kingship is seen most vividly in the cross in suffering, in trials and hardship, and in vulnerability, Christ our king reminds us that even in difficulty, even in times of fear and uncertainty, Christ is reigning. And Christ reigns over this current situation and over our lives.
God bless you all and, if you are able, please join me on Sunday morning for Facebook worship as we reflect more on the Reign of Christ.
Fr Andrew Mintern
We’re closed until Wednesday 25th November 2020